Monday, June 3, 2013

Think before you speak

Today I was hit hard in the face with a moment of think before you speak! I made several comments that came off as very offensive and I never had any intentions of that ever happening! When called on it, I realize that I had another thing to add to my list of things i must change about me! 

Once the hurtful things have been said or typed there is NO taking them back! I said several prayers in the hopes of feeling better but no i only felt worse for some reason. I know that God forgives but I think what scars me the most is not knowing if the people i have  hurt will forgive also! 

When I am feeling bad, my nephews always find a way to cheer me up! When they are not around, the Foy chickies are always there to make me smile and forget all the mean and hurtful things I have said and done!
Many people complain about working and shopping at Walmart, but I must say that I quit and came back because Walmart has given me the friendships I never had growing up! I was not able to find these friendships at other jobs, so i ran back to the employer where all my amazing friends were! I thank God for each and every one of them daily! 

I am off to go watch the Pens game now! Hopefully my next blog post is all photography related or happy thoughts!